Awards & Scholarships
North Carolina is home to outstanding educators, students, business partners, and community members in gifted education. These advocates truly understand the importance of centering our gifted students in their academic opportunities, and building the future together!
Each year, the North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of gifted education. Annual Awards and Scholarships will be presented at the NCAGT Annual Conference, March 12-14, 2025 in Concord, North Carolina. Contact the Awards Committee at awards@ncagt.org should you have any questions about the applications or submission process.
All nominations and applications are due by midnight on December 15, 2024.
We also invite you to consider donating to our scholarship fund with the QR code below!​​
Student Scholarship Awards are presented to students in grades 6-12 who are identified as gifted according to local guidelines. Scholarship money is awarded to support the recipient(s) with developing an original project which holds promise for advancement of learning or an instructional opportunity not available within a student’s local school district. Parents/caregivers of the winner receive a complimentary parent membership in NCAGT for one year.
2025 Student Scholarship application
Leadership Through Service Award
The Leadership Through Service Award is presented annually to a student enrolled in grades 7-12 who demonstrates distinguished leadership through service. The student named as Leadership Through Service Award recipient will receive a $250 check and a NCAGT Certificate of Excellence. In addition, the parents/caregivers of the winner receive a complimentary parent membership in NCAGT for one year.
2025 Leadership Through Service Award
Susan Keel Lamar Student Scholarship Award
The Susan Keel Lamar Student Scholarship Award is presented annually to two students (one K-5 and one 6-12) who demonstrate distinguished leadership and achievement in visual or performing arts in grades K-12. Award recipients will receive a $250 check and NCAGTCertificate of Excellence. In addition, the parents/caregivers of the winner receive a complimentary parent membership in NCAGT for one year.
2025 Susan Keel Lamar Student Scholarship application
The NCAGT PAGE Award is presented to a PAGE member or chapter who demonstrates contributions to the well-being of local programs for gifted students, informative programs for parents/teachers, and direct service to gifted students. Award Recipients will receive a plaque of recognition. Past recipients may be nominated again for the PAGE Award after two years
2025 PAGE Chapter Award application
NCAGT Distinguished Student Award
The Distinguished Student Award is presented annually to a student who demonstrates distinguished achievement in academics and leadership in grades 3 through 6.
A Distinguished Student winner receives a $250 check from NCAGT and a Certificate of Excellence from NCAGT. In addition, the parents/caregivers of the winner receive a complimentary parent membership in NCAGT for one year
Lyn Aubrecht Parent of the Year Award
The NCAGT Lyn Aubrecht Outstanding Parent of the Year Award is presented to a parent(s) of a gifted child(ren) whose primary involvement is in the role of a parent. The nominee must have worked to promote the needs of gifted children for at least two years. In addition, the nominee should demonstrate other characteristics which indicate depth of commitment to the education of gifted children, such as membership in and/or leadership of a PAGE chapter, participation in local education committees, and being informed of issues in gifted education. The recipient will receive a plaque and a complimentary one-year membership.
2024 Lyn Aubrecht Parent Award Application
James J. Gallagher Advocacy Award
The NCAGT James J. Gallagher Advocacy Award is presented to an individual inside or outside the field of gifted education who has been a consistent advocate on behalf of gifted students and a voice for supporting gifted education in North Carolina. Nominations are made by the general membership and final ballot selection is determined by the NCAGT Board of Directors. Past recipients may not be nominated for this award.
Outstanding Teacher of the Gifted Award
The NCAGT Outstanding Teacher of the Gifted Award is presented annually to a North Carolina teacher of gifted children/youth who exhibits a strong commitment to gifted education through professional experience, professional organizations, and/or services in the area of education for the gifted. Recipients will receive a plaque and complimentary conference registration for the following year. The nominee must be a member of NCAGT, endorsed by the state of North Carolina to teach gifted students, and not been a previous recipient of this award.
2025 Outstanding Teacher of the Gifted Award application
Outstanding Administrator of the Gifted Award
The NCAGT Outstanding Administrator of the Gifted Award is presented annually to a North Carolina Administrator (Principal, Coordinator of the Gifted, Director of Exceptional Children’s Programs, Supervisor, or Superintendent) who has been an advocate and leader in support of gifted children/youth. The nominee must exhibit outstanding qualities related to gifted education in the areas of teaching, curriculum development and adaption, working with gifted children/youth, working with parents, participating in PAGE activities where applicable, and/or dealing with other staff and administrators. Recipients will receive a plaque of recognition and complimentary conference registration for the following year. Each school district is eligible to nominate one candidate from its system. Nominees must not have been a previous winner of the NCAGT Outstanding Administrator of the Gifted Award.
2025 Outstanding Administrator of the Gifted Award application
Distinguished Service Award
The NCAGT Distinguished Service Award is considered a lifetime achievement award. It is presented to a person from the field of education that has made outstanding contributions to the education of gifted children in North Carolina. Nominations are made by the general membership and final ballot selection is decided by the Board of Directors. Past recipients and current members of the NCAGT Board of Directors may not be nominated. Award recipients will receive a plaque and a complimentary lifetime membership.
2025 Distinguished Service Award Application
NCAGT Business Supporting Gifted Education Award
The NCAGT Business Supporting Gifted Education Award is presented annually to a business or civic organization that has worked with teachers, students, schools, school districts and/or other education entities within North Carolina to support gifted education. Eligible businesses or civic organizations include those who support the mission of NCAGT, cultivate strong and sustained partnerships with schools, advocate on behalf of gifted education, and/or provide resources and support to teachers serving gifted students. Recipients will receive a plaque. Past recipients can be nominated after two years.
2025 Business Award Application
Beginning in summer of 2024, the NCAGT Advocacy & Engagement Committee has taken over the teacher mini grant awards. Please see the Advocacy & Engagement page on our website for more details.
Each year the North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented selects a number of deserving students, educators, parents, and administrators to receive scholarships, mini-grants, and awards of recognition for their outstanding accomplishments and contributions to the field.
Your donation will help us directly impact more students and educators in our state. Individuals and businesses are invited to make a tax-deductible donation in any amount or contact Executive Director Jessica Applegate to sponsor the entire amount of the scholarship of your choice.